August 19, 2014
Catcalls are NOT a form of flattery
Source: http://thiscougarhassomethingtosay.'re not. And there's no amount of "evidence" that anyone could present that will EVER change my view on this.
The last thing this world needs is yet another woman telling the world that this crass-ass, shitty behaviour should be considered "flattery". While I'm not supportive of hard-stance feminism, Doree Lewak's desperation for male attention under the guise of anti-feminism is despicable.
Hey, ladies — catcalls are flattering! Deal with it
Shame on you, NY Post for running this drivel!Lewak's piece is not the same as chastising a woman for rudely telling a man who opened the door for her that she can do it herself. The rude woman is killing chivalry. Lewak is validating and INVITING lewd behaviour.
Very simply, I should be able to walk down the street without having to endure leering or whistling. Don't tell me that he's whistling at me because I'm beautiful. He wouldn't DARE do that if I was walking down the street with a man. My immense beauty has very little to do with it. It's not flattery. It's derogatory objectification.
Just because Lewak needs this pathetic exhibition to inflate her ego, and give her a sense of validation, doesn't mean everyone else needs it. I have a big enough ego as it is. And being catcalled as if I was a streetwalker does NOT make me feel beautiful.
I love Amanda Marcotte's sarcastic response article.'s a work of art: To All My Catcallers: An Apology
So men, if you weren't sure about the catcalling...