Month: August 2014

  • Catcalls are NOT a form of flattery

    Source: http://thiscougarhassomethingtosay.

    They're not. And there's no amount of "evidence" that anyone could present that will EVER change my view on this.

    The last thing this world needs is yet another woman telling the world that this crass-ass, shitty behaviour should be considered "flattery". While I'm not supportive of hard-stance feminism, Doree Lewak's desperation for male attention under the guise of anti-feminism is despicable.

    Hey, ladies — catcalls are flattering! Deal with it
    Shame on you, NY Post for running this drivel!

    Lewak's piece is not the same as chastising a woman for rudely telling a man who opened the door for her that she can do it herself. The rude woman is killing chivalry. Lewak is validating and INVITING lewd behaviour.

    Very simply, I should be able to walk down the street without having to endure leering or whistling. Don't tell me that he's whistling at me because I'm beautiful. He wouldn't DARE do that if I was walking down the street with a man. My immense beauty has very little to do with it. It's not flattery. It's derogatory objectification.

    Just because Lewak needs this pathetic exhibition to inflate her ego, and give her a sense of validation, doesn't mean everyone else needs it. I have a big enough ego as it is. And being catcalled as if I was a streetwalker does NOT make me feel beautiful.

    I love Amanda Marcotte's sarcastic response article.'s a work of art: To All My Catcallers: An Apology

    So men, if you weren't sure about the catcalling...


  • Leave some for the finale

    I don't want to get into huge epic battles about it. I'm just gonna put my two cents out there for the sake of putting it out there.


    I love PK as much as the next Habs fan. And I'd love for it be set in stone that he would forever only suit up for the Habs.


    But I just can't get into the mad panic that everyone else is in. Until he's actually dressing for another team, I'm not gonna freak out.

    I don't believe in paying "whatever a player asks" just to keep him. Pleky's my favourite, but if he was asking for the farm, I would not disagree if Bergevin traded him or let him walk. Hockey is a team sport. Stars don't win the Cup. Teams win the Cup. If you want to argue about Crosby, Ovechkin, or Chara...I'd like to just point out that their teammates are not all crap. They actually have great/good teammates (yes, I still hate Boston).

    So while I would LOVE for PK to be a permanent fixture in Montreal, what good is it if we can only afford crap players after we spend every cent on PK? If PK doesn't have good teammates to play with, we still won't win.

    Bergevin is the GM. They pay him to do what he's doing to the best of his ability.

    httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/16x9_620/bergevin-marc-940-8col.jpg might THINK you know better, but no one is paying you for YOUR opinion...right? But let's say I humour you and say you're right. Maybe he messed up this time. Tell me...can you honestly say you have NEVER EVER EVER made a single solitary error in your career? REALLY?! REALLY?!?!

    Hockey isn't just about passion. And we're not in the passion phase right now. We're in the business phase. And having been screwed by my employer in terms of pay and employment status, I MORE than just understand PK's situation. I was furious at my former employer for the lack of appreciation of my efforts and my stellar performance. I gave them everything. I worked so hard. And how did they reward me? They gave me a pat on the back as "thanks" and laid me off with all my fellow new grads. That was more than 10 years ago, but I haven't forgotten what that feels like.

    This is why I get why everyone is "on PK's side", for lack of a better description. *I* am on PK's side. PK does deserve to be treated better than he's being treated right now. Offering a 1-yr contract *is* a slap in the face. I would think that PK deserves at least a 5-yr contract. I know all those who are freaking out, believe he should be offered 8 or more.


    ...this is business. The law of the market states that a commodity or service is only worth as much as a buyer is willing to pay. And a transaction will only occur at the lowest price the seller is will to accept. So ultimately, if Bergevin is able to get PK for the lowest contract PK is willing to accept, is that really so bad? If Bergevin could get PK to sign and still have money left over for another star player, wouldn't that all work out in Montreal's favour?

    All I'm saying is before we collectively stone Bergevin to death (figuratively), maybe see if there's a bigger plan. PK's not gone. Everything is still fluid. How about we leave some of the spazzing out until the finale? There's no point wasting it all in Act 1, especially when there isn't anything concrete about which to actually freak out. Deal?

    Keep Calm